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Gamma Phi Beta is proud to have achieved above the All-Women's, All-Undergraduate, and All-Sorority! 

It goes without saying that one of Gamma Phi Beta’s main values is scholastic excellence - after all, the primary reason for coming to college is to get an education. Gamma Phi Betas know that scholarship comes first, and that is why we constantly encourage sisters to make school their top priority. To reinforce our high standards on academic performance, we have implemented a scholarship system in which we host weekly study hours with our sisters at the library and at the lovely Gamma Phi home, to encourage sisters to excel in school.

To motivate our sisters, our Scholarship Chair collects the A's that sisters have earned on papers, tests, and quizzes throughout the quarter and raffles awards. At the end of every Spring Quarter, we recognize our sisters who are on the Dean's List, achieving a 3.5 GPA or higher.  

campus  involvements

Abnormal Psychology Teaching Assistant
Be the Match
Campuswide Honors Program
Circle K
Freshman Summer Start Program
Gamma Sigma Alpha Honor Society

Greek Songfest Executive Board
Helping Hearts for the Homeless
HerCampus Magazine

Humanities Peer Mentor Program
National Society of Leadership & Success
Office of the Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Services
Order of Omega Honor Society
Peer Tutoring
Pre-Dental Society
Pre-Law Society
Pre-Pharmacy Society
Rho Lambda Honor Society
SAGE Scholar
Student Ambassador
Student Athlete Advisory Committee
Student Life and Leadership Office

Tap Club
UC Irvine Accounting Association
UC Irvine Campus Blood Donor Center
UC Irvine Career Center
UC Irvine Counseling Center
UC Irvine Diamond Darlings
UC Irvine Drama Department Productions 
UC Irvine Extension
UC Irvine Guest and Event Services 
UC Irvine Health Education Center
UC Irvine Housing
UC Irvine Journal of Human Rights Editorial Board 
UC Irvine Medical Center 
UC Irvine Rotaract
UC Irvine ROTC

UC Irvine Spirit Squad
UC Irvine Student Alumni Association
UC Irvine Study Abroad
UC Irvine Transportation and Distribution Services
UC Irvine Women's Rugby
UC Irvine Women's Tennis
UCDC Washington Center Summer Internship Program
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)

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