winter continuous open bidding recruitment 2024

welcome !
The ladies of Gamma Phi Beta welcome you! We hope that you are as excited as we are for Winter COB 2024. Recruitment is an amazing experience to see the strong sisterhood and boundless opportunities becoming a Gamma Phi Beta will bring you.
Our sisterhood is strong and completely dedicated to the promotion of each sister's well being in all aspects of her life. Being part of Gamma Phi Beta is an opportunity that will not only enrich your college experience, but also one that will change your life forever. Our sisters cannot wait to meet you and show you what being a Gamma Phi Beta means to us. This chapter is the place where we have found study buddies, confidants, and lifelong friendships. It is a place where we have found a home.
We look forward to meeting you, and we hope that you find the same happiness that we have found here in Gamma Phi Beta.
If you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to contact our Membership
Vice President at gphibmvp@gmail.com.